How to sew the Christmas tree decoration kits | easy winter craft project

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My decoration sew-your-own kits are a really quick and easy sewing project to make a set of 3 fabric Christmas tree ornaments. The kits include a piece of fabric printed with my paper collage illustrations, and gold sparkly ribbon. You will need thread and a small amount of toy stuffing, or the filling from an old cushion or pillow.

Read on for a step by step guide to making them, with photos.

Start by ironing the fabric and cutting all of the shapes out. Then pair matching pieces, placing them right sides together (so that the print is on the inside).

Get a piece of ribbon and fold it in half. Place it between the 2 layers of fabric, lining it up with the printed mark at the top of each ornament. The ribbon will be sandwiched inside with the open ends at the edge.

Pin the ribbon in place through all layers.

Then use a fabric pen or chalk to mark the opening lines on the outside of the fabric so you can see it when you sew them. Put a couple of pins in to hold it all in place.

Sew all around the edge using a 3/4cm seam allowance, leaving it open between the 2 lines.

Clip notches around any curves, not quite to the seam. This will make the curves look smoother.

Next, turn it the right way out through the opening. You may need to use something with a blunt point, like a knitting needle, to poke the corners out.

You should have a double sided decoration with a hanging loop at the top, ready to be stuffed. Repeat with all 3 decorations.

Taking a small piece at a time, poke bits of toy stuffing into the decoration, making sure to fill out all the corners and curves.

Once it feels as squishy as you would like it, turn the open edges in to make a smooth shape, then hand stitch it closed. I use a tiny blanket stitch in a matching thread colour so that it shows as little as possible.

Knot the end, then pass the needle and thread through to the other side before cutting the end. This means the end of the thread will be hidden inside.

You're done! They're now ready to adorn your tree (or keep them up all year). If you enjoyed this project, check out the bunting kits too!

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